American Legion
The American Legion has served as a pillar in our community, across the state, and nationwide for nearly 100 years. This large and influential organization is the backbone of PROJECT: VetRelief. We are honored to have The American Legion, Department of Florida and their more than 130,000 members standing with us to aid our military and their families.
Essential to the mission and growth of PROJECT: VetRelief are the funds, manpower, and advocacy The American Legion, Department of Florida provides…
All administrative support is provided by The American Legion, Department of Florida at no cost to PROJECT: VetRelief.
Over 200 Legionnaires (veterans who are members of The American Legion, Department of Florida), educated and trained by the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs, volunteer their time and talents to PROJECT: VetRelief.
Learn more about our VetRelief Advocates
The American Legion, Department of Florida influences considerable social change, lobbying everyday for the benefits our service members deserve.