PVR Bulletin – MAY 2018
Advocate Trainings:
Convention is two months away, and the PROJECT: VetRelief Team has already started planning the details to learn more about the program and become an Advocate. This year’s Convention will be held from Thursday, July 5ththrough Sunday, July 8th at The Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando.
Classes will focus on a more in-depth look of the VetRelief Advocate roll and how the Legion Family can best support the program. Class details have been finalized and are below. Space is limited, so be sure to register ahead of time to reserve your seat. You can do so by visiting the link below.
Thursday, July 5th | 9:00am – 10:00am | Crystal E*
Friday, July 6th | 3:30pm – 4:30pm | Crystal E*
Registration Link:
We look forward to seeing you there!
*Class day, time and location are subject to change.
Update on Commander’s Charity and Challenge
Last month Department Commander Steve Shuga reached his fundraising goal of raising $50,000 for PROJECT: VetRelief! The Commander has decided to raise his goal to $75,000 to continue his efforts in providing funds for our Legion programs. He knows that with the generosity of the Legion Family and the passion they have for the Florida Legion programs, this goal is very attainable! We know you can help him reach his secondary goal, and ultimately help veterans and their families through our various programs!
Addtional monies collected for his project will now go towards ALL Florida Legion programs. Donations can still be made to PROJECT: VetRelief, just be sure to indicate where you’d like the funds to be applied to when submitting your donation.
We’d like to thank the following Posts, Units, Squadrons and Chapters who have already submitted their donations (order is listed by date received, not by amount given):
Mark Your Calendars:
Upcoming Events
MAY 11th: Post 409 Golf Tournament – POSTPONED
Orlando, FL
Individual Player – $125 | Foursome – $400
MAY 17th: Squadron 112 “Dine to Donate”
Perkins – Winter Park, FL
7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Perkins on University Blvd in Winter Park will donate 10% of your bill when dining with them. Be sure to tell your srver and cashier!
JUNE 10th: ALR 372 Poker Run
Jacksonville, FL
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Details coming soon!
JUNE 16th: ALR 137 Leather & Lace Party
Jacksonville, FL
5:00 PM – 11:00 PM
JULY 5-6: Advocate Training
Department Convention – Orlando, FL
SEPT 24th: 5th Annual RL James Golf Tournament
Bella Collina, FL
Details coming soon!
OCT 19th: RWPC, Inc. Clay Shooting Event
Alachua, FL
Details coming soon!