PVR Bulletin – February 2022
One of PROJECT: VetRelief’s goals is to help End Veteran Suicides. The Suicide Prevention Initiative focuses on working with our verified Strategic Partners by training or mentoring veterans through their existing mental health treatments, programs, or processes to avoid suicide. Whether it’s a ruck walk, educational seminar, or speaking engagement, there’s no shortage of opportunities to alert our communities through our PVR/SPI Challenge 22 events on this serious issue our veterans are facing.
These events are designed to encompass fundraising, creating awareness, educating our communities on the importance of mental health within our veteran communities, and understanding the severity of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
American Legion Post 69 in Avon Park hosted their Veterans Expo in early January. Not only were they able to raise funds for our SPI program, but they engaged their local community to give veterans the opportunity to see all resources within their area.
Ocean Beaches Post 129 is hosting a PVR Challenge 22 Walk & Event in Jacksonville Beach on Saturday, March 26th. Registration is open for attendees to join for $22/walker, or add on the official event shirt for $35/walker. For more details, visit: https://give.floridalegion.org/Challenge22Jax
The Florida Legion Riders are gearing up to Ride for the 22 during their Round Robin and In-State Unity Ride events. Chapters are encouraged to put together a Unity Ride during the month of April for the cause. Then, from April 24-30, Riders will join forces as a State on two routes raising funds and awareness to End Veteran Suicide. For more information: https://www.floridalegion.org/programs-services/legion-riders/special-events/unity-ride/the-ride/
Sentry Management, Inc. hosted their annual golf event last November, and PROJECT VetRelief was honored to be their charity of choice. They hosted their tournament at Heathrow Country Club in Lake Mary.
The morning started off with local artist, Rexine, singing the National Anthem and the Nation’s colors parachuted in from the skies above. Through their efforts, they brought in over $50,000 for Florida’s veterans and their families!
Last month, Board President, Bob James, and Seamus Devlin from RL James General Contractors, Inc. provided lunch to recognize them and announce Sentry’s GOLD LEVEL SPONSORSHIP! We also awarded Patriot Awards to their CEO Bradley Pomp, Mary King, Matt Walker, Deanna Sims, and Pam Flack. Please help us show our appreciation for their support!!