Challenge 22 Events… Raising Funds and Awareness to End Suicide
It is PROJECT: VetRelief’s goal to raise awareness about the staggering statistic on veteran suicide through various Challenge 22 events. Whether it’s a ruck walk, educational seminar or speaking engagement, there’s no shortage of opportunities to alert our communities on this serious issue our veterans are facing.
These Challenge 22 events are designed to encompass fundraising, create awareness and educate our communities on the importance of mental health within our veteran communities and understanding the severity of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Over the past couple of years, we have had several Posts host events to further our mission and join our efforts to put an end to veteran suicide. in fact, a check for $30,350 was presented to the Suicide Prevention Initiative (SPI) earlier this month from various Challenge 22 events, including contributions from Post 63, Post 243, Post 22, and Post 110. Kudos to Board Member Kurt Gies and their team for a successful Challenge 22 event, even with overcoming new obstacles pertaining to the virus! Our hope is to have at least 12 Challenge 22 events this calendar year to promote the mission of SPI, and since next year will be 2022, we are shooting for 22 events! Take a look at the upcoming opportunities we have coming up for |
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Emergency Assistance Cases Still Continue to Climb
PROJECT: VetRelief continues to be in high demand, which means we are helping more and more of Florida’s veterans each year.
When the coronavirus pandemic hit in March 2020, PROJECT: VetRelief was able to take action and provide life-saving assistance to our service members by keeping a roof over their head, lights turned on, or food on the table. In fact, we have been able to help 169 veterans and their families avoid an eviction so that they could focus on staying healthy during this deadly pandemic!
Truth is, since COVID-19 our funding has gone out a lot faster than it has come in. We will not be able to continue this level of support without your help!
The American Legion, Department of Florida Commander, William ‘Rick’ Johnson has recognized the true impact the emergency assistance program has on our veteran community and chose to extend his efforts to support the
We hope that you will participate in his Challenge to the Legion Family and help him raise $225,000 by the end of June. He‘s almost there, as he only needs $8,510.67 more!
Donations can be made online (, mailed into the Department Headquarters, or given through the Commander’s Charity.
Our veterans are counting on us working together to be there for them!